short story

Shepherd Boy

Shepherd Boy

Shepherd Boy There once upon a time, lived a young boy. He was the shepherd of his village. He would take his flock to the large green valleys for grazing. One day, he was grazing his flock, but he was bored. He wanted to have fun. He climbed on a hill and cried as, “Wolf!…

The Power of Unity

The Power of Unity

Once upon a time, there lived a father and three sons. The sons would always fight and quarrel with each other. One day the father wanted to teach them a lesson. He wanted his sons to bring a bunch of sticks. The sons went out and returned with a bunch of wooden sticks. The father…

Trusting a Wolf

Trusting a Wolf

There was once upon a time, a shepherd who had a flock of sheep. Every day he would take his flock to the field for grazing. One day, while he was watching his flock grazing, he saw a wolf hiding behind bushes. He worried that the wolf would harm his sheep, so he immediately took…

The Plane Tree

The Plane Tree

The Plane Tree Story Once upon a time, there lived two merchants. One day, they went to another country for trading. It was a hot, sunny summer day. They felt exhausted and wanted to take rest. They saw a plane tree and sat under the shade of it. One of the merchants looked at the…

King and Shoe

King and Shoe

There once was a king who ruled a wealthy country. One day, he wanted to visit every corner of his country. He went to every distant village and town. When he returned to his palace again, he complained about the roads because his feet were in pain due to rocky roads. Therefore, the king ordered…