One day, it was time for Squeakins Mouse to take a nap. “All right now, dearest deary dear, it is time to take your nap.” This was said by none other than dear old, gray old Granny Mouse.

“Oh, but my dear Granny dear, I couldn’t possibly take a nap…not without first hearing a story!” replied none other than cute little, sweet little Squeakins Mouse.

“All right then, dearest deary dear,” said dear gray Granny. “And what kind of story would you like?”

“A nice one, I think,” said cute sweet Squeakins. “One with a nice happy ending.”

So Granny went to fetch the happiest-ending storybook she could find. But on her way to the bookshelf, she ran into a bit of trouble. She ran into big old, mean old Mittens the cat.

“Oh, Ratty!” said Mittens Catty. “What a nice treat you’d be to eat.”

“Oh, no!” said dear gray Granny to big mean Mittens. “You must let me pass, for I must fetch a nice happy storybook to read to cute sweet Squeakins!”

“I see,” said big mean Mittens with a growl and a yowl. “I’ll let you pass if you bring me some milk from the cow.”

So Granny scurried straight to mooey old, brown old Bessie to ask for some milk.

“Mooey brown Bessie, may I have some fresh cold milk to give to big mean Mittens so I can pass?” asked dear gray Granny. “I must fetch a nice happy storybook for cute sweet little Squeakins!” And mooey brown Bessie said, “Very well. I’ll give you some milk if you bring me a new brass cowbell.” 

So Granny scurried straight to grizzly old, twizzly old Tom Tinker to ask for a brass cowbell.

“Grizzly twizzly Tinker, may I have a clangy bangy brass cowbell to give to mooey brown Bessie so she will give me fresh milk to give to big mean Mittens so I can pass?” asked dear gray Granny. “I must fetch a nice happy storybook for cute sweet Squeakins!”

“Yes, I will give you a cowbell of brass,” said grizzly twizzly Tinker, “if you’ll bring me some lemonade in a glass!” (For it was a very hot day.) So Granny scurried straight to the leafy old, tall old lemon tree to ask for some lemons.

“Leafy tall tree, may I have some round yellow lemons to make tart lickety lemonade to give to grizzly twizzly Tinker so he will give me a clangy bangy brass cowbell to give to mooey brown Bessie so she will give me fresh cold milk to give to big mean Mittens so I can pass?” asked dear gray Granny. “I must fetch a nice happy storybook for cute sweet Squeakins!”

“I’ll give you a lemon, or two, or three,” said leafy tall tree, “if you’ll get some water to sprinkle on me!” (For it was a very hot day.)

So Granny scurried straight to the middle of the yard. There she stood and looked straight, straight up to ask the puffy old, fluffy old clouds for some water. 

“Puffy fluffy clouds, may I have some cool wet water to sprinkle on leafy tall tree so he will give me a round yellow lemon to make tart lickety lemonade to give to grizzly twizzly Tinker?” Granny took a breath. “So Tinker will give me a clangy bangy brass cowbell to give to mooey brown Bessie so she will give me fresh cold milk to give to big mean Mittens so I can pass?” asked dear gray Granny. “I must fetch a nice happy storybook for cute sweet Squeakins!” And the fluffy puffy clouds said, “BOOM!” and it began to rain. Well! What do you think happened next?

The clouds gave water.

The tree gave a lemon.

Tom Tinker gave a cowbell.

Bessie gave some milk.

Mittens let Granny pass.

And Granny fetched a storybook to read to cute sweet Squeakins. But by the time Granny got back…Squeakins was already asleep!

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